Love Graffiti: Secret messages on classroom table, walls etc

Posted on: 12/09/17

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Bandra Mumbai
Source: Instagram

True love is undying.
And immortalised on screen forever.
Nothing to make fun of here.

Chapel Road Bandra 2
Source: Instagram

It creates legends of men and women. Especially in the disco era. Geddit?

Source: Instagram

But, in the end, love grows with us. It doesn’t wither away. It blossoms with age.

Yeraoda Maharashtra
Source: Instagram

Sometimes, love is not just between two people. It’s between entire countries and races. Also, sometimes, Imaginary.

Source: Shutterstock

Love knows no differences. It has a power to unite. It is all rosogolla and mishti doi until someone sees this beautiful piece of art in Kolkata and goes isssshh.

Insert Inglorious Basterds reference
Source: Pinimg

It leaves an impression like nothing else; something we carry all our lives. SO much love was in the air that it had to flow out from the edge of a blade. *Insert Inglorious Basterds reference*


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